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  • Writer's pictureTonie Roberts

We are living in tough times. There isn't anyone on earth that hasn't been affected by the times whether that be physically, emotionally, or spiritually. It has been hard for our world to cope and grow accustomed to the new norms . It can become overwhelming and difficult to remain optimistic and joyful.

Before this pandemic, I saw myself as a very mentally strong person and without realizing It, I was stripped of that confidence. I struggled with anxiety for months but I prayed to God for strength and healing and he has delivered me. I had this verse in mind to help reassure me. Matthew 10:29 "Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father."

God is working. God is in control. God has not abandoned us. Not even a sparrow can die without God's consent. Trust and believe that you are more valuable to God than a sparrow and His plan is good. Even when things are chaotic, remember that verse. We are often overwhelmed because our point of view differs from God's. He is all knowing and He has all power.. God can make good out of anything. Everything He does, and allows is strategic, and he has a plan in place that we aren't yet aware of.

Be in peace… I am now at peace because God knows best in any situation. Even if we don't understand, we need to trust Him. Without Him there is nothing, there is no purpose in life. God is working!

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  • Writer's pictureTonie Roberts

The darkness of Covid 19 touched the world! Shut in, some began to experience depression, oppression, and anxiety. The lack of social interaction impacted children, teens, and adults. No one escaped the darkness!

Ironically, prior to Covid 19, some of us had already chosen to hide out. We hid behind our failures, our low self-esteem, what our momma said, what our daddy did! We were shut in before Covid 19 hit.

Now’s the time to come out. Come out of the depression come out of the oppression, the anxiety and from every negative word said about you. It’s time to put the past behind you, and “PRESS towards the mark for the prize for the High calling of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:13)

You might say to yourself, letting go of years of negativity is not that easy. You’re rights!

I’ve got good news for you. If you choose to come out and press forward, instant assistance awaits you.

The Holy Spirit is waiting to comfort you, healing your sorrow, to teach you, giving you hope for tomorrow, and to guide you into all truth, replacing the negativity with the word of God. (John 14:16 , Isaiah 61:1 John 16:13, 1Peter 2:9)

As Joyce Meyer says, “Let your mess be your message”. Whatever God has brought you through should be used to bring others out as well. Look around! If there ever was a time that people were in dire need of hope, it’s now!

You have gifts inside of you the world is waiting for. You are anointed to do what the Lord designed you to do. His divine power has given you everything you need for life and godliness in the knowledge of Him who called you to His own glory and goodness. That’s right! His divine power has given you everything you need for life.(2 Peter 1:3)

So what are you waiting for? No more excuses for not being who the Lord has called you to be. Come out and be about our Father’s business!

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ.

1 Corinthians 1:3-5


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  • Writer's pictureTonie Roberts

I received a beautiful blooming Christmas cactus in December of 2018. My plant bloomed again the Christmas of 2019. To my surprise the plant has had blossoms twice this year. But it’s not Christmas yet!

Like my Christmas cactus, the world is in what feels like an out of season experience. The question is are you blooming out of season – so to speak?

Sounds strange I know at a time like this - expecting something good to happen. But something good can happen. It's a matter of your willingness to bloom now! The Bible says that to everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven (Ecclesiastics 3:1). Pause for a moment and think on that.

Now, here are two questions for you. What season are you in? Have you re- considered your purpose during this time? Remember, some have gone on to glory recently. But the Lord has you here now during this unfamiliar season for such a time as this.

The distractions around us are countless. The news is a sore spot for me. I need to be aware of what’s happening for prayer purposes. But I’ve found it easy to lose focus when I’ve allowed the gloom and doom of the media to saturate my mind. In order to bloom in this season, one thing is certain. We need to focus more on Jesus, and what He has to say than ever. His news brings hope that fosters blooming.

As you focus more on Jesus, expect an assignment. In fact, this may be your time to complete an old assignment that you had no time to complete prior to covid. When you begin to work on your task, you’re going to bloom!

Maybe this is your opportunity to spend more time with the Lord, AND with your family who always seemed too busy before. Bloom with them now, creating precious memories that will last for years to come. That’s blooming out of season!

Has the Lord prompted you to start a business, but you had no time to research and develop a plan? Now you have time to do both. Do it and bloom in this season!

Maybe it's time to get your degree online. You didn't have the time before but now you do. Move forward and bloom!

Are you lonely? Consider calling the elderly to check in on them an offer an ear. You may be surprised at how your loneliness disappears as you focus on being a blessing.

What are you waiting for? Don’t wait for covid to end, and your life to begin again. Bloom now!

But God would say to you “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” (Isaiah 43:19) Bloom NOW!

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