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  • Writer's pictureTonie Roberts


On Labor day, Idalia O. and I agreed to go on a prayerventure (similar to adventure- but of a heavenly nature). We threw on our House on the Rock, "We get to serve" T-shirts and headed for Rockaway Beach, in search of people who would like to receive prayer.

We noted that the most common prayer request of the day was for peace. What a blessing to find that the people of New York are most concerned about the state of the world we all share. In addition, someone requested that we pray for peace for everyone.

One of the beach-goers we spoke with was troubled by a conversation she overheard that day and asked us to pray against racism.. A couple of people asked for prayers for their lives, and a mother asked us to pray for healing for her daughter. Our most interesting prayer request was regarding UFO's. We asked the Lord to bless every Rockaway Beach goer that day!

As we prepared to leave, we agreed to wait for an opportunity to pray for at least one more person, but felt that we should not limit our Lord to just one more - in case His plan was different from ours. We were elated when we were given the opportunity to pray for four more people before ending our prayerventure.

We were reminded to take the limits off of our Lord, especially when it comes to prayer! How can you do the same? Be bold and have your own prayerventure. We are living in a time that demands prayer. We are living among people who, like us, need Jesus desperately.

Look around! The need for prayer is in the atmosphere. We all are given countless opportunities daily to have prayerventures. Arise sons and daughters of the Most High, the world is waiting (Romans 8:19). What's stopping you?

"Let us humble ourselves and pray, and seek the Lord's face, and turn from our wicked ways; asking the Lord to hear us, forgive our sins, and heal our land". (II Chronicles 7:14). Start your prayerventure today!

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Oct 05, 2017

i thank God for the opportunity to minister.


Sep 17, 2017

Thank you! Our Prayer Warriors!

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